Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hubpages Introduces Subdomains

This is just a short post to inform the reader that Hubpages has launched a most innovative post-panda survival strategy to help check the slide in pageviews and search engine trust--they have introduced the .hubpages.com domain name and here is how they hope it will solve their traffic woes.

It is no secret that ALL the user generated content sharing sites have taken a major hit since Google introduced their new content quality based algorithm commonly referred to as Panda. But, while most other major players (most noticeably Suite101.com) are trying to upgrade their editorial process and weed out spammy looking content, Hubpages are trying to shift from an online content magazine to a Blogger style push-button publishing platform by offering each user a separate domain name like username.hubpages.com

At this point each user (or rather Hubpages account) can either shift to your reserved  subdomain or continue to publish hubs as before. So should you transfer your Hubpages profile to .hubpages.com?

Advantages of Shifting to Hubpages Subdomain

  • The main advantage of shifting to .hubpages.com subdomain is to slightly alienate yourself from the standard hubpages.com/hub/ URL and there by establish a separate existence in the eyes of Google. The major reason why Hubpages has taken such a hit is because some people are writing low quality article which is prompting Google to devalue the entire hubpages.com/hub domain. So, everyone's articles are feeling the crunch. Which means, if you are confident that you write above average hubs then this should help you get more search engine trust whereas if you are spamming only your subdomain gets blacklisted. 
  • If you are using Hubapges to gain leverage or as a portfolio for bagging freelance writing gigs then a subdomain of your own should definitely give more gravity to your bid compared to just a profile URL
  • Apart from your profile and hub addresses everything else remains exactly the same with your homepage doubling up as your profile page. So you don't have to make sacrifices on the cool Hubpages user interface.
  • You will be automatically shifted to your subdomain within the next month. So might as well take a head start.