Monday, February 8, 2021

Lose Weight In Ramadan Yahoo Answers

I need help losing weight in ramadan. the weight loss is only for a certain event on june 21st, so anything that will help me i will take. it is not permenant weight loss, just for the event. i weigh 125lbs and i am 5'4. need ramadan weight loss help.. I want to loose some weight too , but every year i fast i stay the same. this year im trying to eat healthy in ramadan :) try this. try to eat a well balanced healthy suhoor and drink a lot of water in order to stay hydrated and fuel your body till maghrib.. I hope i don't lose any weight , i am very tiny as it is, last ramadan i never lost any weight thankfully. some of my friends lose between 0-5 kilograms during ramadan. i used to be a lot bigger, but a diet of hard exercise and raw veggies for a year made me lose all the weight i had and turned me into a very small trim lady..

lose weight in ramadan yahoo answers

Yes if you fast you will lose weight but once you reach your goal weight and you start eating again you will put on twice as much twice as fast (no matter how little you eat) due to a weak metabolism from fasting so i wouldn't recommend it. Well, your intentions should be to fast, and not lose weight. but i'll give you some tips to not gain weight in ramadan.. eat fibre in your dawn meal to keep you full. (fibre cereal, vegetables, fruits and your dates). drinks lots and lots of water. break your fast with fresh lemon juice or water..

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